Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pardon the pins in our heads

A new year!  Imagine that!  We at Little Hill Woolworks extend our salutations and appreciations to everyone, sheep, family, friends and customers, who made last year so exciting and memorable.  The end of 2010 was a big bag of thrills, including a lovely turn at the SOWA Holiday Market in Boston which was a blast.

We came back woefully depleted in inventory but very, very encouraged!  It's so much fun playing dress-ups with new friends all day!

Now on to:
Chapter 2011 
In which our heroes make many hats, attend many craft shows and 

First stop: The SOWA Cabin Fever Indy Gift Show on February 13:
meanwhile, we've got pins in our heads, trying to get our inventory up. 

Can you tell we've been in a purple and red mood?

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